import unittest
from import assert_equal, assert_true
def concatenate(strings):
Concatenates the given list of strings into a single string.
Returns the single string.
If the given list is empty, returns an empty string.
For example:
- If we call concatenate(["a","b","c"]), we'll get "abc" in return
- If we call concatenate([]), we'll get "" in return
- Remember, you can create a single string from a list of multiple strings by using the join() function
x = "".join(strings)
return x
def all_but_last(seq):
Returns a new list containing all but the last element in the given list.
If the list is empty, returns None.
For example:
- If we call all_but_last([1,2,3,4,5]), we'll get [1,2,3,4] in return
- If we call all_but_last(["a","d",1,3,4,None]), we'll get ["a","d",1,3,4] in return
- If we call all_but_last([]), we'll get None in return
if len(seq) == 0 :
return None
return seq
Remove Duplicates
def remove_duplicates(lst):
Returns the given list without duplicates.
The order of the returned list doesn't matter.
For example:
- If we call remove_duplicates([1,2,1,3,4]), we'll get [1,2,3,4] in return
- If we call remove_duplicates([]), we'll get [] in return
- Remember, you can create a set from a string, which will remove the duplicate elements
lst = [*set(lst)]
return lst
Reverse Word
def reverse_word(word):
Reverses the order of the characters in the given word.
For example:
- If we call reverse_word("abcde"), we'll get "edcba" in return
- If we call reverse_word("a b c d e"), we'll get "e d c b a" in return
- If we call reverse_word("a b"), we'll get "b a" in return
- If we call reverse_word(""), we'll get "" in return
- You can iterate over a word in reverse and access each character
for i in [*word]:
return "".join(l)
def divisors(n):
Returns a list with all divisors of the given number n.
As a reminder, a divisor is a number that evenly divides another number.
The returned list should include 1 and the given number n itself.
The order of the returned list doesn't matter.
For example:
- If we call divisors(10), we'll get [1,2,5,10] in return
- If we call divisors(1), we'll get [1] in return
i = 1
l = []
while i <= n :
if (n % i==0) :
i = i + 1
return l
Capitalize or Join
def capitalize_or_join_words(sentence):
If the given sentence starts with *, capitalizes the first and last letters of each word in the sentence,
and returns the sentence without *.
Else, joins all the words in the given sentence, separating them with a comma, and returns the result.
For example:
- If we call capitalize_or_join_words("*i love python"), we'll get "I LovE PythoN" in return.
- If we call capitalize_or_join_words("i love python"), we'll get "i,love,python" in return.
- If we call capitalize_or_join_words("i love python "), we'll get "i,love,python" in return.
- The startswith() function checks whether a string starts with a particualr character
- The capitalize() function capitalizes the first letter of a string
- The upper() function converts all lowercase characters in a string to uppercase
- The join() function creates a single string from a list of multiple strings
if sentence.startswith('*'):
sentence = sentence[1:]
words = sentence.split()
processed_words = [word[0].upper() + word[1:-1] + word[-1].upper() for word in words]
processed_sentence = ' '.join(processed_words)
return processed_sentence[1:]
words = sentence.split()
joined_sentence = ','.join(words)
return joined_sentence
Move zero
def move_zero(lst):
Given a list of integers, moves all non-zero numbers to the beginning of the list and
moves all zeros to the end of the list. This function returns nothing and changes the given list itself.
For example:
- After calling move_zero([0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4]), the given list should be [1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0] and the function returns nothing
- After calling move_zero([0,1,2,0,1]), the given list should be [1,2,1,0,0] and the function returns nothing
- After calling move_zero([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]), the given list should be [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] and the function returns nothing
- After calling move_zero([]), the given list should be [] and the function returns nothing
count = lst.count(0)
non_zero_nums = [num for num in lst if num != 0]
lst.extend(non_zero_nums + [0] * count)